Course Catalog

Agriculture - Animal Science

AGS-113 - Survey of the Animal Industry

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Course studies ways domestic animals serve the basic needs of humans for food, shelter, protection, fuel and emotional well-being. Terminology, basic structures of the industries surrounding the production, care and marketing of domestic animals in the U.S. will also be studied.

AGS-225 - Swine Science

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Introduces principles, practices and decisions impacting swine production.

AGS-226 - Beef Cattle Science

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Introduces principles, practices and decisions impacting beef cattle production.

AGS-242 - Animal Health (online)

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Provides information about the cause, nature, prevention and treatment of common health problems of farm animals. Identifies animal behavior and developing a herd health program.

AGS-270 - Foods of Animal Origin (online)

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This is a general basic agri-food science course that deals with world food needs and available food supplies, types of food and nutritive value and use, and methods used and challenges involved in food production, transportation, preservation/processing, storage, distribution, marketing and consumption. The course covers both animal origin and non-animal origin food products.

AGS-319 - Animal Nutrition (online)

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

A course in basic animal nutrition for swine and beef cattle. Feed utilization for maintenance/growth, reproduction and lactation is discussed. The formulation of rations on both a nutritional and economic basis as well as the substitution of ingredients will be covered.

AGS-331 - Animal Reproduction (online)

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course is presented with the agriculture student in mind. The first unit, Physiology, addresses cellular digestion, reproduction, genetics and ecology. The second unit, Applications, teaches the practical application of animal science. The third unit instructs students in the interpretation of performance data for judging and evaluating livestock.