Course Catalog

Business Computer Applications

BCA-152 - Comprehensive Spreadsheets

Lecture: 2

Lab: 2

Credit: 3

This course covers concepts of spreadsheets and their applications to business. Introductory topics include spreadsheet creation, data manipulation, file sharing and protection, formatting, use of functions and formulas, and charts. Advanced topics will include creating macros, filtering, importing and exporting data and numerical and trend analysis. Application to business situations will be emphasized. Prerequisite: CSC-110.

BCA-157 - Intermediate Spreadsheets

Lecture: 2

Lab: 2

Credit: 3

This advanced course in electronic spreadsheets emphasizes the use of advanced features of a leading electronic spreadsheet software package in a Microsoft Windows environment. Topics to be covered include spreadsheet editing, working with multiple worksheets, creating a Web page from a spreadsheet, developing spreadsheet applications, creating and using macros, using data tables and scenario management, importing data and enhancing a spreadsheet with Visual Basic for Applications. Prerequisite: Must complete one of the following courses with a minimum grade of C-; CSC-110 or CSC-140.