Course Catalog


EDU-120 - Communication, Ethics and Confidentiality

Lecture: 2

Credit: 2

This is the first course in preparation for the Para-Educator Certificate. In this course, the student will develop skills and strategies to enhance communication and examine situations where professionalism, ethical standards and confidentiality will guide correct course of action when working with colleagues, students, parents and others.

EDU-121 - Behavior Management

Lecture: 2

Credit: 2

This is the third course in the Para-Educator Certificate program. The student will gain knowledge, skills and strategies to assist, support and maintain the positive social, emotional and behavioral development of children. Prerequisites: EDU-120 and EDU-122.

EDU-122 - Roles and Responsibilities

Lecture: 2

Credit: 2

This is the second course in the Para-Educator certificate program. The student will develop skills and strategies to assist, support and maintain safe environments, educational activities, team interventions and technology integration when working with colleagues, students, parents and others. Prerequisite: EDU-120.

EDU-212 - Educational Foundations

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This survey course is designed to examine the historical, philosophical, sociological, political, economic and legal foundations of the American public education system. Students will explore the nature of school environments, design and organization of school curriculum and characteristics of effective schools and instruction in grades P-12. Educational structures, practices and projections for the future will be studied. Corequisite: EDU-920.

EDU-220 - Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course focuses on the changing and multi-faceted diversity seen in today's classrooms and communities in the United States. Students will examine their own understanding of the scope of this diversity and be able to see how this diversity can enrich the classroom experience for teachers and students. This course will also show future teachers how to bridge their personal views and knowledge of diversity into actual teaching strategies in order to have a culturally relevant and responsive classroom where every student can thrive.

EDU-235 - Children's Literature

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

A survey of the history, critical issues and characteristics of children's literature and an examination of both writing and illustration as the basis for evaluating and selecting children's literature for use in the pre-school and elementary classroom.

EDU-240 - Educational Psychology

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course examines the application of psychological principles, theories and methodologies to issues of teaching and learning. Theory and research concerned with human learning, development, behavior and motivation is reviewed with an emphasis on the cognitive, psychological and social factors that relate to and influence learning in educational settings. Prerequisite: PSY-111.

EDU-245 - Exceptional Learner

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This is a survey course that provides an overview of special education regulations, policies and programs in educational settings. Birth through 12th grade pre-service teachers learn the history of special education law, including IDEA and as it applies to the course with ESSA, characteristics of the categories of disabilities per federal and state regulations, characteristics of talented and gifted programs, and basic components of an IEP. This course is a required component for students seeking Birth through 12th grade teacher state licensure. Ten hours of observation will be required.

EDU-255 - Technology in the Classroom

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Students will learn to integrate instructional technology into the PK-12 classrooms. Students will study a variety of software programs, presentation technology and telecommunication tools. The focus will also be on social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology.  This course will be taken in a student's final semester of their program.  Pre-requisites:  EDU-212, EDU-920, and EDU-245, or instructor permission.

EDU-920 - Field Experience

Lecture: 1

Lab: 2

Credit: 2

Field Experience provides the student an opportunity to observe a teacher in a local classroom and to work with students in that classroom under direct supervision of the cooperating teacher. Students will be required to complete 32 observation hours. The student will complete observation documents during their required hours in the classroom. Corequisite: EDU-212.