Course Catalog

Physical Education - Training

PET-105 - Basic Athletic Training

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course serves as an introduction to the profession of athletic training. Students will be instructed in basic skills and theories of the profession including: measurement of vital signs, taping, wrapping and immobilization. Students will become familiar with the roles, functions and professional preparation of an athletic trainer as well as the history of the profession and its governing structures.

PET-140 - Athletic Training Practicum I

Lecture: 0

Lab: 2

Credit: 1

Athletic training skills instruction for the beginning student athletic trainer. Practical examinations cover material taught during scheduled meeting times and observation hours. Observation of athletic training skills and techniques used concurrent with athletic events. The purpose of this class is to provide students with clinical rotations during their freshman year. The rotation will be at multiple sites and sports with supervision from the Certified Athletic Trainer. Students will be expected to attend practices and games as assigned. At this time they will practice and demonstrate skills taught in the classroom. They will be in charge of a daily journal of activities and hours. Prerequisite: PET-105.

PET-230 - Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

Lecture: 2

Lab: 2

Credit: 3

This course will introduce the student to athletic injuries, assessment and treatment. This course includes laboratory instruction in athletic taping and basic athletic training skills. The course also involves a directed observation requirement. Prerequisite: PET-105.