Course Catalog

Student Development

SDV-108 - The College Experience

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

This course is designed to empower new students to successfully transition to college. Students will learn academic success skills, strategies for personal development and exploration, college culture and expectations, and how to access college resources and services.

SDV-125 - Workplace Readiness

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

This course is designed to assist students in obtaining and maintaining employment. Topics include making career decisions, using labor market information, developing a portfolio and demonstrating positive attitudes and behaviors in the workplace.

SDV-130 - Career Exploration

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

This course is designed for students in developing an awareness of and skillfulness in career development process emphasizing self-assessment, occupational exploration and job placement.

SDV-148 - Educational Program Exploration

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

This class assists students in examining post-secondary educational programs as they relate to career choices. The focus is on technical programs, transfer programs, course requirements, career awareness, and educational awareness as they relate to the process of career choices. Self-assessment instruments and/or field trips and/or job shadowing will help identify tentative educational plans and programs to assist students in designing an individualized career plan.

SDV-153 - Pre-employment Strategies

Lecture: 2

Credit: 2

This course is designed to aid students in developing the materials and skills necessary to obtain and maintain employment. Topics include character development associated with job success, job seeking skills, the application & hiring process, communication, teamwork skills and leadership skills.

SDV-812 - Experiential Credits

Lecture: 0

OJT: 12-36

Credit: 3-9

This supervised internship is designed to provide participation in a living and learning experience through an approved business establishment. This course may not be substituted for program specific internships. The course can be repeated for up to a total of 9 credits.