Welding - Advanced Manufacturing Welding Processes Certificate
Advanced Manufacturing Welding Processes Certificate
West Burlington Campus
The Welding program is designed to give students a solid foundation in the principles, practices and usage of both gas and electric welding in the industrial setting. Students get ample practice in welding skills, brazing and flame cutting. Instruction emphasizes production fabrication techniques, maintenance and repair procedures, blueprint reading, properties of metals and inspection methods, among other aspects of the welding trade.
SCC is an accredited American Welding Society (AWS) testing facility. Students will have the opportunity to obtain AWS Certifications.
There are several levels of welding certificates, a diploma and an associates of applied science degree. See the links below for details.
The Basic Welding Processes certificate is awarded after successful completion of WEL-111, WEL-160, WEL-186 and WEL-192.
The Advanced Welding Processes certificate is awarded after earning the Basic Welding Processes certificate and successful completion of WEL-130, WEL-164, WEL-172, WEL-197 and MAT-702.
The Welding diploma is awarded after successful completion of the first two semesters. (This is equivalent to the Advanced Welding Processes certificate and successful completion of ENG-110.)
The Advanced Manufacturing Welding Processes certificate is awarded after earning both Welding Processes certificates and successful completion of WEL-182, WEL-198, WEL-292, WEL-235 and WEL-720.
The Welding AAS degree is awarded after successful completion of all five semesters.
*Certificates and diploma can be earned one time.
Please view the technical standards for this course.
Summary Sheet
The summary sheet provides a program overview and other information.
Curriculum Sequence
Fall Semester I | Course Title | Credit |
MAT-702 | Introduction to Math Applications | 3 |
WEL-111 | Welding Blueprint Reading | 3 |
WEL-160 | Arc Welding I (SMAW) | 5 |
WEL-186 | Gas Metal Arc Welding | 4 |
WEL-192 | Gas Tungsten Arc Welding | 4 |
Spring Semester I | Course Title | Credit |
WEL-130 | Oxyacetylene Welding | 2 |
WEL-164 | Arc Welding II (SMAW) | 4 |
WEL-172 | Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding II | 4 |
WEL-197 | Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Tube | 3 |
Fall Semester II | Course Title | Credit |
WEL-182 | Flux Cored Arc Welding | 2 |
WEL-198 | Advanced Gas Metal Arc Welding - Aluminum | 2 |
WEL-292 | Pipe Welding/SMAW - Uphill | 4 |
Spring Semester II | Course Title | Credit |
WEL-235 | Layout and Fabrication | 4 |
WEL-720 | Introduction to Robotic Arc Welding | 2 |
MAT-702 - Introduction to Math Applications
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 3 |
This course is offered to students who can profit from an applied course in mathematics and will prepare students who need to develop skills for MAT-704. It is designed as an introductory level algebra course recommended for students with one year of high school algebra. Emphasis is on the building of basic algebra skills and the application of these mathematical techniques. The course studies the relationship of geometry and algebra as they apply to various fields. This course will also cover whole numbers/decimals, integers, fractions/percents, direct measurement, basic geometric concepts/relationships, linear equations and right-triangle trigonometry. Prerequisite: MAT-052 or meet minimum placement testing requirements.
WEL-111 - Welding Blueprint Reading
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 3 |
A course concerned with basic fundamentals of interpreting drafting as applied in the welding trade. Emphasis is placed on developing the ability to interpret blueprints from which the welder must work. A thorough coverage of welding symbols is integrated within the course.
WEL-160 - Arc Welding I (SMAW)
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 3 |
Credit: 5 |
Provides a thorough technical understanding of shielded metal arc welding fundamentals, weld hazards and weld safety, power sources and electrode selection. Provides ample time and direction to develop skills necessary to make high quality welds on 16 gauge to ¼" mild steel in all positions.
WEL-186 - Gas Metal Arc Welding
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 2 |
Credit: 4 |
Provides a technical understanding of the gas metal arc welding process, power sources and adjustment, metal transfer, shielding gases and weld safety. Develops skills necessary to produce high quality welds of 1/16"at 3/8" mild steel in all positions. Students will develop skills necessary to produce and bend-test single vee groove welds on 3/8" carbon steel in all positions according to American Welding Society code requirements.
WEL-192 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 2 |
Credit: 4 |
Provides a thorough technical understanding of the TIG (Heliarc) process including metal characteristics, electrode, filler metals and shielding gases with emphasis on weld safety and procedures.
WEL-130 - Oxyacetylene Welding
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 2 |
To provide a thorough technical understanding of metallurgy, oxyacetylene welding, flame cutting and brazing fundamentals, and to develop skills necessary to produce high quality fillet and square groove welds in 3/16" plate and schedule 50 carbon steel pipe. Students develop understanding of weld hazards and safety procedures throughout the course. Can be taken for additional credit. Approval of Instructor.
WEL-164 - Arc Welding II (SMAW)
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 3 |
Credit: 4 |
An advanced course designed to develop skills, integrity, and confidence necessary to pass skill tests on pre-qualified joints on plate and structural steel as required of code welding by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Welding Society. Prerequisite: WEL-160.
WEL-172 - Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding II
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 3 |
Credit: 4 |
Provides understanding and skill development necessary to produce high quality welds on 3/8" to 1" mild steel in all positions. Includes information relating to air-arc cutting and gouging, procedures and welder qualifications, testing of welds and metals identification. Prerequisite: WEL-160.
WEL-197 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding - Tube
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 2 |
Credit: 3 |
Develops skills necessary for making high quality all position welds on schedule 10 to schedule 40 carbon steel pipe; preparation and testing of pipe is included. Prerequisite: WEL-192.
WEL-182 - Flux Cored Arc Welding
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 2 |
Provides thorough technical understanding of the flux cored arc welding process including adjustment and operation of power source, types of arc shielding, and safe operating procedure. Quality welds are produced on 3/8" to 1" carbon steel in all positions. Prerequisite: WEL-186.
WEL-198 - Advanced Gas Metal Arc Welding - Aluminum
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 2 |
An advanced gas metal arc welding course designed for the student who wishes to develop skills necessary to weld 0.050" to 0.250" aluminum in all positions. Prerequisite: WEL-186.
WEL-292 - Pipe Welding/SMAW - Uphill
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 3 |
Credit: 4 |
Provides thorough technical understanding of uphill pipe welding procedures and application. Students produce welds using schedule 40 and 60 carbon steel pipe in 1G, 2G, 4G and 6G positions with a degree of skill necessary to meet American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s code requirements. Prerequisites: WEL-160 and WEL-172.
WEL-235 - Layout and Fabrication
Lab: 4 |
Credit: 4 |
Teaches layout & fitting skills applicable to an industrial welding shop, including reading prints, estimating and ordering materials, performing layout and cutting work, and welding procedures applicable to fabricating a finished product. Emphasizes problem solving and cooperation within an industrial-like environment. Safety, accuracy and a commitment to excellence is emphasized. Prerequisite: Completion of first 3 semesters of welding program curriculum or Instructor Approval.
WEL-720 - Introduction to Robotic Arc Welding
Lecture: 1 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 2 |
This course is an overview of robots used in the welding industry. Basic mechanisms, hydraulics, and pneumatics are covered. Students receive hands-on experience in programming a robot to weld fixture parts using the GMAW process. Prerequisite: WEL-186.
Mike Kaczinski - Assistant Professor - Welding
Email: mkaczinski@scciowa.edu
AWS Certification of Welding Educators (CWE)
AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors (CWI)
William White - Assistant Professor - Welding
Email: bwhite@scciowa.edu