Course Catalog

English Transfer Major - AA

English Transfer Major - AA

West Burlington Campus, and select courses available at the Keokuk Campus

SCC students who complete the English Transfer Major will be able to transfer with confidence in their ability to read, analyze, and communicate effectively. By combining the skills and information from the courses offered within the major, students can move on to the next level of their education knowing that the challenging and thoughtful curriculum provides the necessary foundation of analytical skills necessary for success.

Summary Sheet

The summary sheet provides a program overview and other information.

Download the summary sheet.

Curriculum Sequence

Fall Semester I Course Title Credit
SDV-108 The College Experience 1
ENG-105 Composition I 3
LIT-101 Introduction to Literature 3
ZZZ-SOC Social Science Course 3
Take Course(s) Totaling at Least 4 Credits
ZZZ-LAB Lab Science Course 3-5

Spring Semester I Course Title Credit
ENG-106 Composition II 3
LIT-150 World Literature I 3
ZZZ-SOC Social Science Course 3
Take one 3 Credit Course
ZZZ-MAT Mathematics Course 3-4
Take one 3 Credit Course
ZZZ-ELE Elective Course 3-5

Fall Semester II Course Title Credit
SPC-112 Public Speaking 3
LIT-151 World Literature II 3
ZZZ-HUM Humanities Course 3
ZZZ-SOC Social Science Course 3
Take one 3 Credit Course
ZZZ-ELE Elective Course 3-5

Spring Semester II Course Title Credit
ZZZ-ENL English or Literature Course 3
ENG-221 Creative Writing 3
ZZZ-SOC Social Science Course 3
Take Course(s) Totaling at Least 4 Credits
ZZZ-ELE Elective Course 3-5
Take one 3 Credit Course
ZZZ-MSC Math or Science Course 3-5

SDV-108 - The College Experience

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

This course is designed to empower new students to successfully transition to college. Students will learn academic success skills, strategies for personal development and exploration, college culture and expectations, and how to access college resources and services.

ENG-105 - Composition I

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

A study of the principles of writing. Emphasis on rhetoric, mechanics and development of expository patterns: narration, description illustration, comparison/contrast, classification, process and cause/effect. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: Meet minimum test score requirements.

LIT-101 - Introduction to Literature

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Designed to promote an appreciation of excellence in literature through illustrative types of short fiction, poetry and drama. Emphasis is placed on the reader's interpretive skills in examining an author's craft, intent and format.

ZZZ-SOC - Social Science Course

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Courses fulfilling the Social Science requirement address the behavior of humans as individuals and groups. These courses cover the academic disciplines of economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Social Science courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-LAB - Lab Science Course

Lecture: 2-4

Lab: 1

Credit: 3-5

Courses fulfilling the Lab Science requirement incorporate hands-on experimentation and observation by students in the study of science. Any science course of 100-level or above including laboratory credit from the disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, physical science, science, or environmental science can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ENG-106 - Composition II

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

A continuation of study of the principles of writing begun in ENG-105. Emphasis is placed on persuasive writing, critical analysis and the MLA research paper. Time will also be spent exploring print and electronic research sources and learning effective research strategies. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: ENG-105, with a minimum grade of C-.

LIT-150 - World Literature I

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

A survey of important works of literature from the ancient world through the Renaissance. This will include selections of prose, poetry and drama that represent the spirit of the times in which they were written.

ZZZ-MAT - Mathematics Course

Lecture: 3-4

Credit: 3-4

Courses fulfilling the Mathematics requirement address the properties and relationships of numbers, formulas, and operations, as well as the real world application of these concepts to analyze data. Any mathematics course of the 100-level or above can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-SOC - Social Science Course

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Courses fulfilling the Social Science requirement address the behavior of humans as individuals and groups. These courses cover the academic disciplines of economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Social Science courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course

Lecture: 2-4

Lab: 0-1

Credit: 3-5

Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

SPC-112 - Public Speaking

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course examines both the theoretical and practical basis of speech communication, particularly public speaking. Emphasis is on speech preparation, organization, support, delivery and audience analysis.

LIT-151 - World Literature II

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

A survey of important works of literature from the Renaissance to the present. This will include selections of prose, poetry and drama that represent the spirit of the times in which they were written.

ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course

Lecture: 2-4

Lab: 0-1

Credit: 3-5

Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-HUM - Humanities Course

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Courses fulfilling the Humanities requirement address human history, languages, literature, philosophy, and the arts. These courses span a wide range of academic disciplines. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Humanities courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-SOC - Social Science Course

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Courses fulfilling the Social Science requirement address the behavior of humans as individuals and groups. These courses cover the academic disciplines of economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Social Science courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-ENL - English or Literature Course

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

The English Transfer Major requires at least one other English or literature course in addition to ENG-105, ENG-106, ENG-221, LIT-101, LIT-150, and LIT-151. ENG courses may only fulfill this requirement if they are at the 200-level or higher. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course

Lecture: 2-4

Lab: 0-1

Credit: 3-5

Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ZZZ-MSC - Math or Science Course

Lecture: 2-4

Lab: 0-1

Credit: 3-5

Courses fulfilling the Math or Science requirement address quantitative and/or scientific reasoning skills. Any course of 100-level or above from mathematics or a science discipline can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.

ENG-221 - Creative Writing

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Instruction and practice in multiple genres of creative writing. Students study the art, craft and discipline of creative writing by reading, discussing and critiquing the work of prominent writers; by experimenting with various writing methods and techniques; and by reading, discussing and critiquing student work. Instruction, practice and workshops will address elements of creative writing such as content, structure, form and style in particular and multiple genres. This course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite: ENG-105 with a minimum grade of C-.

ZZZ-SOC - Social Science Course

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Courses fulfilling the Social Science requirement address the behavior of humans as individuals and groups. These courses cover the academic disciplines of economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Social Science courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.


Jodi Cook - Professor - English

AA, Southeastern Community College
BA, Western Illinois University
MA, Western Illinois University

Chad Menke - Professor - English

AA, Southeastern Community College
BA, Iowa Wesleyan College
MA, Western Illinois University

Lori Muntz - Instructor - English

BA, University of Texas - Austin
MA, University of Iowa
PhD, University of Iowa