Course Catalog

Agribusiness - AAS

Agribusiness- AAS

West Burlington Campus, and Online

Related Programs:

Agriculture Certificate
Agriculture Diploma
Agriculture AAS

The Agribusiness Pathway equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to enter a career in the agricultural industry where students will apply business principles. Students will learn about various business principles related to agronomy and livestock production including commodities, marketing, sales, business management, among others; future technologies; critical issues impacting the industry; agricultural law; among many other related topics. Students will complete two internship experiences where they will be able to apply their knowledge and gain extensive experience and skills.

Students will take four credits of AGB-104 or HUM-287. In Spring II, students will complete two of the three courses in the agriculture course option listing.

The Agriculture Certificate is awarded after successful completion of first semester courses.

The Agriculture Diploma is awarded after successful completion of the first two semesters.

Summary Sheet

The summary sheet provides a program overview and other information.

Download the summary sheet.

Curriculum Sequence

Fall Semester I Course Title Credit
AGB-336 Agricultural Selling 3
AGB-330 Farm Business Management 3
AGA-181 Introduction to Crop Science 3
AGB-235 Introduction to Agriculture Markets 3
AGS-113 Survey of the Animal Industry 3
AGB-104 Leadership in Agriculture 1

Spring Semester I Course Title Credit
AGB-104 Leadership in Agriculture 1
AGA-182 Introduction to Soil Science 3
AGC-216 Career Seminar 2
AGS-226 Beef Cattle Science 3
PSY-102 Human and Work Relations 3
MAT-702 Introduction to Math Applications 3
AGA-376 Integrated Pest Management 3

Summer Semester I Course Title Credit
AGC-936 Occupational Experience 3
Take 1 of 2 courses
ENG-105 Composition I 3
SPC-112 Public Speaking 3

Fall Semester II Course Title Credit
AGB-104 Leadership in Agriculture 1
AGB-437 Commodity Marketing 3
AGC-936 Occupational Experience 3
AGP-333 Precision Farming Systems 3
SOC-115 Social Problems 3
AGA-158 Soil Fertility 3

Spring Semester II Course Title Credit
AGC-420 Issues in Agriculture 3
AGB-451 Agricultural Law 3
AGN-244 Wildlife Management 3
AGN-130 Soil and Water Conservation 3
SOC-114 Conflict Resolution in the Workplace 3
AGB-104 Leadership in Agriculture 1

AGB-336 - Agricultural Selling

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Students will gain the necessary knowledge and the techniques of selling agriculture products directly to producers. Included is knowledge of the buying process, communication skills and other factors that are beneficial in building relationships with customers.

AGB-330 - Farm Business Management

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Applies business and economic principles of decision making and problem solving in the management of a farm business. Covers cash flow, partial, enterprise and whole farm budgeting. Reviews information systems for farm accounting, analysis and control. Examines obtaining and managing land, capital and labor resources. Provides alternatives for farm business organization and risk management.

AGA-181 - Introduction to Crop Science

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Basic structure and function of plants, origin and classification, growth and development. Fundamentals of photosynthesis, plant water use, plant nutrition and genetics that regulate plant growth, development and responses to the environment.

AGB-235 - Introduction to Agriculture Markets

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Presents basic concepts and economics principles related to markets for agricultural inputs and products. Reviews current marketing problems faced by farms and agribusinesses, farm and retail price behavior, structure of markets, food marketing channels, food quality and food safety and the role of agriculture in the general economy. Analyzes the implications of consumer preferences at the farm level. Introduces hedging, futures and other risk management tools.

AGS-113 - Survey of the Animal Industry

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Course studies ways domestic animals serve the basic needs of humans for food, shelter, protection, fuel and emotional well-being. Terminology, basic structures of the industries surrounding the production, care and marketing of domestic animals in the U.S. will also be studied.

AGB-104 - Leadership in Agriculture

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

The course equips students with the tools needed to become effective leaders in their community and in the agricultural industry. Students will learn how their personal leadership skills and styles prepare them to become leaders in their careers and like-minded organizations.

AGB-104 - Leadership in Agriculture

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

The course equips students with the tools needed to become effective leaders in their community and in the agricultural industry. Students will learn how their personal leadership skills and styles prepare them to become leaders in their careers and like-minded organizations.

AGA-182 - Introduction to Soil Science

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Introduce students to the mysterious world of soils. It is designed for students in agriculture and related sciences. The course provides a broad viewpoint to match the varied backgrounds and interest of students. Its coverage is made so broad to meet the needs of students who will take only one course in soils, as well as those who will use it as a base for more advanced study of specialized areas in soil science.

AGC-216 - Career Seminar

Lecture: 2

Credit: 2

This course is designed to help students explore and discover the many opportunities that are available in the profession of agriculture and related industries both nationally and internationally.

AGS-226 - Beef Cattle Science

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Introduces principles, practices and decisions impacting beef cattle production.

PSY-102 - Human and Work Relations

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This is a course that includes the understanding of the applications of psychological principles, theory and research related to the work setting.

MAT-702 - Introduction to Math Applications

Lecture: 2

Lab: 1

Credit: 3

This course is offered to students who can profit from an applied course in mathematics and will prepare students who need to develop skills for MAT-704. It is designed as an introductory level algebra course recommended for students with one year of high school algebra. Emphasis is on the building of basic algebra skills and the application of these mathematical techniques. The course studies the relationship of geometry and algebra as they apply to various fields. This course will also cover whole numbers/decimals, integers, fractions/percents, direct measurement, basic geometric concepts/relationships, linear equations and right-triangle trigonometry. Prerequisite: MAT-052 or meet minimum placement testing requirements.

AGA-376 - Integrated Pest Management

Lecture: 2

Lab: 1

Credit: 3

Course describes the basics of field scouting for corn and soybean crops for weeds, insects, diseases and disorders, as well as, a variety of management practices to manage those ailments.

AGC-936 - Occupational Experience

On Job Training: 3

Credit: 3

An "on-the-job" experience at a local business. The business will provide a training sponsor in cooperation with an instructor/coordinator from the college staff. Hands-on experience in observing and demonstrating the knowledge and skills developed in the classroom. Course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

ENG-105 - Composition I

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

A study of the principles of writing. Emphasis on rhetoric, mechanics and development of expository patterns: narration, description illustration, comparison/contrast, classification, process and cause/effect. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: Meet minimum test score requirements.

SPC-112 - Public Speaking

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course examines both the theoretical and practical basis of speech communication, particularly public speaking. Emphasis is on speech preparation, organization, support, delivery and audience analysis.

AGB-104 - Leadership in Agriculture

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

The course equips students with the tools needed to become effective leaders in their community and in the agricultural industry. Students will learn how their personal leadership skills and styles prepare them to become leaders in their careers and like-minded organizations.

AGB-437 - Commodity Marketing

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Commodity Marketing examines basis, fundamental and technical price analysis, commodity futures, futures options, alternative cash contracts, sources and uses of marketing information and relevant agricultural marketing strategies.

AGC-936 - Occupational Experience

On Job Training: 3

Credit: 3

An "on-the-job" experience at a local business. The business will provide a training sponsor in cooperation with an instructor/coordinator from the college staff. Hands-on experience in observing and demonstrating the knowledge and skills developed in the classroom. Course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

AGP-333 - Precision Farming Systems

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Provides an overview of precision farming concepts and the tools of precision farming (OPS, GIS and VRT). Introduces the use of each of these tools within the processes of a precision farming system. Provides hands-on activities in the use of these tools. Discusses economic and environmental benefits.

SOC-115 - Social Problems

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

An investigation into a selection of social problems involving alternative solutions. Topics may include drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, prejudice and discrimination, and human sexuality.

AGA-158 - Soil Fertility

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course explains the phenomena involved in making and keeping a soil in its most economical, productive state. Students learn why soils must be managed differently due to differences in origin and make up. Prerequisite: AGA-154 or AGA-182.

AGC-420 - Issues in Agriculture

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course provides students the opportunity to collect, discuss, interpret, and defend current economic, environmental and social issues that affect the production of agricultural commodities.

AGB-451 - Agricultural Law

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course explores the body of federal and state laws and regulations governing agriculture-related operations. The course specifically addresses legal issues that students will likely face in agriculture-related careers. The course pulls from a wide body of substantive law, including case law, statutory law and administrative law. A primary focus of the course will be to review the legal framework governing agriculture-related decision-making by firms, families and individuals from a real-world perspective. The course begins with a general review of the legal system and instruction on how to find legal materials as it pertains to the agricultural industry.

AGN-244 - Wildlife Management

Lecture: 2

Lab: 1

Credit: 3

Students learn proper wildlife management through carefully planned and maintained reserves, preserves and refuges. Management techniques presented include those for game, non-game and aquatic animals.

AGN-130 - Soil and Water Conservation

Lecture: 2

Lab: 1

Credit: 3

Emphasis will be on environmental practices as they relate to conservation management of our natural resources. Students will discuss soil erosion, water quality and soil and water management. Lab work required. Prerequisite: AGA-154 or AGA-182.

SOC-114 - Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace will study conflict resolution theories and applications in the workplace. The course will provide students with the opportunity to develop their own effective interpersonal conflict resolution skills as well as skills needed to help employees resolve their conflicts with one another and the skills needed to negotiate contracts. Students will also be introduced to theories and skills needed to apply culturally sensitive principles to conflict resolution.

AGB-104 - Leadership in Agriculture

Lecture: 1

Credit: 1

The course equips students with the tools needed to become effective leaders in their community and in the agricultural industry. Students will learn how their personal leadership skills and styles prepare them to become leaders in their careers and like-minded organizations.

Sabrina Pidgeon - Professor - Agriculture Management

AA, Indian Hills Community College
AS, Indian Hills Community College
BS, Iowa State University
MA, Iowa Wesleyan University

Adam Raub - Professor - Agriculture

BS, Western Illinois University
MBA, St. Ambrose University