Criminal Justice Transfer Major-AA
Criminal Justice Transfer Major - AA
West Burlington Campus, Online, and select courses available at the Keokuk Campus
The Criminal Justice Transfer Major is designed to prepare students for careers in several areas of the administration of justice. Program graduates find jobs with local police departments, sheriff's offices, the state highway patrol, federal/state narcotics agencies, correctional institutions and state and local probation and parole agencies.
NOTE: Students who have a criminal background history may complete the program. However, these students will have serious difficulty obtaining an internship or employment.
SCC has established 2+2 articulation agreements with four-year institutions for this transfer major. Depending upon where you want to transfer, your SCC coursework may differ from the sample given. Contact your enrollment specialist to explore which courses you should take.
*Students enrolled in the online program will make the following substitutions during Fall Semester II:
- CRJ-133 for CRJ-132
- SOC-212 for HUM-114
The following courses are required for the Criminal Justice Transfer Major: CRJ-100, CRJ-120, CRJ-130, CRJ-132, CRJ-141, SOC-110, SOC-240, MAT-156, POL-111 SOC-230, HUM-114, PSY-111, SCI-123, SDV-108, ENG-105, and ENG-106. The other courses are suggested and may be substituted; please consult with a Student Success Advocate.
Summary Sheet
The summary sheet provides a program overview and other information.
Curriculum Sequence
Fall Semester I | Course Title | Credit |
CRJ-100 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 |
ENG-105 | Composition I | 3 |
PSY-111 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
SDV-108 | The College Experience | 1 |
SOC-110 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOC-230 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 |
Spring Semester I | Course Title | Credit |
CRJ-130 | Criminal Law | 3 |
ENG-106 | Composition II | 3 |
MAT-156 | Statistics | 3 |
SOC-240 | Criminology | 3 |
Take courses totaling 3-5 credits | ||
ZZZ-LAB | Lab Science Course | 3-5 |
TOTAL CREDITS | 15 - 17 |
Fall Semester II | Course Title | Credit |
CRJ-132 | Constitutional Law | 3 |
CRJ-141 | Criminal Investigation | 3 |
ZZZ-CUL | Cultural Awareness Course | 3 |
SPC-112 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Take courses totaling 3-5 credits | ||
ZZZ-MSC | Math or Science Course | 3-5 |
TOTAL CREDITS | 15 - 17 |
Spring Semester II | Course Title | Credit |
CRJ-120 | Introduction to Corrections | 3 |
ZZZ-HUM | Humanities Course | 3 |
ZZZ-HUM | Humanities Course | 3 |
ZZZ-HUM | Humanities Course | 3 |
POL-111 | American National Government | 3 |
CRJ-100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
An introductory course in criminal justice designed to provide a philosophical and historical account of American criminal justice with emphasis on constitutional limitation.
ENG-105 - Composition I
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A study of the principles of writing. Emphasis on rhetoric, mechanics and development of expository patterns: narration, description illustration, comparison/contrast, classification, process and cause/effect. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: Meet minimum test score requirements.
PSY-111 - Introduction to Psychology
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A basic course in the understanding of behavior, designed to give the student a scientific background in the fundamental problems and techniques covered in the field of psychology.
SDV-108 - The College Experience
Lecture: 1 |
Credit: 1 |
This course is designed to empower new students to successfully transition to college. Students will learn academic success skills, strategies for personal development and exploration, college culture and expectations, and how to access college resources and services.
SOC-110 - Introduction to Sociology
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
An analysis of social organization (or the social order). This course deals with the nature of sociology as a science, the original nature of man, the socialization of the individual, the development of groups and group behavior, the nature of culture and culture patterns, the organization of institutions, the nature of social order, the organization of human stratification and examination of major social processes. Special emphasis is placed upon the American cultural patterns.
SOC-230 - Juvenile Delinquency
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A study of juvenile delinquency as an individual and social problem. This course includes theories of delinquency causations, law enforcement procedures, methods of corrections and prevention of juvenile delinquency.
CRJ-130 - Criminal Law
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A study of the history, development and classification of substantive and procedural aspects of criminal law, defenses and criminal responsibility.
ENG-106 - Composition II
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A continuation of study of the principles of writing begun in ENG-105. Emphasis is placed on persuasive writing, critical analysis and the MLA research paper. Time will also be spent exploring print and electronic research sources and learning effective research strategies. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: ENG-105, with a minimum grade of C-.
MAT-156 - Statistics
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
This course is an applied course in statistics, designed to introduce students to some of the concepts, symbols, procedures and vocabulary used in the field of statistics. Topics covered in this course include: organizing and graphing data, descriptive statistics, probability, various distributions, the sampling distribution of the mean, estimating a population mean, confidence intervals, inferential statistics (hypothesis testing), comparing two population parameters, analysis of variance, correlation, simple linear and multiple regression, contingency tables and nonparametric statistics, (time permitting). Prerequisites: MAT-092 or MAT-099 with a minimum grade of C- or meet minimum placement testing requirements.
SOC-240 - Criminology
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Criminology is the study of crime from a social perspective; the causes of crime, the social impact of crime, and the criminals involved in crime. Criminology is studied in an attempt to better understand what motivates the criminal to act in a criminal manner. Prerequisite: CRJ-100.
ZZZ-LAB - Lab Science Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Courses fulfilling the Lab Science requirement incorporate hands-on experimentation and observation by students in the study of science. Any science course of 100-level or above including laboratory credit from the disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, physical science, science, or environmental science can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
CRJ-132 - Constitutional Law
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
An analysis of the relationships between state legislations and the Bill of Rights. Includes the effect of the due process clause of the 14th Amendment on the application of the Bill of Rights to these states and Supreme Court decisions regarding the various state challenges.
CRJ-141 - Criminal Investigation
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Fundamental methods of investigation, crime scene search, recording, collection and preservation of evidence, interview and interrogation, and case follow-up.
ZZZ-CUL - Cultural Awareness Course
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Courses fulfilling the Cultural Awareness requirement address the diversity of culture within the United States and across the world. These courses span a wide range of academic disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
SPC-112 - Public Speaking
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
This course examines both the theoretical and practical basis of speech communication, particularly public speaking. Emphasis is on speech preparation, organization, support, delivery and audience analysis.
ZZZ-MSC - Math or Science Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Courses fulfilling the Math or Science requirement address quantitative and/or scientific reasoning skills. Any course of 100-level or above from mathematics or a science discipline can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
CRJ-120 - Introduction to Corrections
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Trace the history of corrections and describe the various methods society has used to deal with people who violate its rules. The course will show the relationship of corrections and agencies to the overall criminal justice system.
ZZZ-HUM - Humanities Course
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Courses fulfilling the Humanities requirement address human history, languages, literature, philosophy, and the arts. These courses span a wide range of academic disciplines. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Humanities courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-HUM - Humanities Course
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Courses fulfilling the Humanities requirement address human history, languages, literature, philosophy, and the arts. These courses span a wide range of academic disciplines. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Humanities courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-HUM - Humanities Course
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Courses fulfilling the Humanities requirement address human history, languages, literature, philosophy, and the arts. These courses span a wide range of academic disciplines. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Humanities courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
POL-111 - American National Government
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A survey of the American federal system of government which includes a description and analysis of interest groups, political parties, public opinion, the presidency, the Congress, the court system and foreign policy making.
Cindy Shireman - Professor - Criminal Justice
BA, University of Iowa
MA, University of Iowa
MS, Kaplan University