History Transfer Major
History Transfer Major - AA
West Burlington Campus, Keokuk Campus, and Online
This Transfer Major Guided Pathway is designed to seamlessly transfer to the History Education BA degree at UNI, ISU and UI. SCC has established 2+2 articulation agreements with four year institutions for this transfer major. Depending upon where you want to transfer, your SCC coursework may differ. Contact your advocate to explore which courses you should take.
Summary Sheet
The summary sheet provides a program overview and other information.
Curriculum Sequence
Fall I Semester | Course Title | Credit |
SDV-108 | The College Experience | 1 |
ENG-105 | Composition I | 3 |
ZZZ-SOC | Social Science Course | 3 |
ZZZ-HUM | Humanities Course | 3 |
HIS-151 | US History to 1877 | 3 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-ELE | Elective Course | 3-5 |
Spring I Semester | Course Title | Credit |
ENG-106 | Composition II | 3 |
HIS-152 | US History Since 1877 | 3 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-MAT | Mathematics Course | 3-4 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-ELE | Elective Course | 3-5 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-ELE | Elective Course | 3-5 |
Fall II Semester | Course Title | Credit |
HIS-131 | World Civilization I | 3 |
SPC-112 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-ELE | Elective Course | 3-5 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-ELE | Elective Course | 3-5 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-MSC | Math or Science Course | 3-5 |
Spring II Semester | Course Title | Credit |
HIS-132 | World Civilization II | 3 |
POL-111 | American National Government | 3 |
HIS-211 | Modern Asian History | 3 |
Take course totaling 4 credits | ||
ZZZ-LAB | Lab Science Course | 3-5 |
Take course totaling 3 credits | ||
ZZZ-ELE | Elective Course | 3-5 |
SDV-108 - The College Experience
Lecture: 1 |
Credit: 1 |
This course is designed to empower new students to successfully transition to college. Students will learn academic success skills, strategies for personal development and exploration, college culture and expectations, and how to access college resources and services.
ENG-105 - Composition I
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A study of the principles of writing. Emphasis on rhetoric, mechanics and development of expository patterns: narration, description illustration, comparison/contrast, classification, process and cause/effect. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: Meet minimum test score requirements.
ZZZ-SOC - Social Science Course
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Courses fulfilling the Social Science requirement address the behavior of humans as individuals and groups. These courses cover the academic disciplines of economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Social Science courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-HUM - Humanities Course
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Courses fulfilling the Humanities requirement address human history, languages, literature, philosophy, and the arts. These courses span a wide range of academic disciplines. The Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees require Humanities courses from at least two different disciplines. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
HIS-151 - US History to 1877
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A survey of American social, political, economic and intellectual developments from the Colonial period to 1877.
ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ENG-106 - Composition II
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A continuation of study of the principles of writing begun in ENG-105. Emphasis is placed on persuasive writing, critical analysis and the MLA research paper. Time will also be spent exploring print and electronic research sources and learning effective research strategies. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: ENG-105, with a minimum grade of C-.
HIS-152 - US History Since 1877
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A survey of American social, political, economic and intellectual developments since 1877.
ZZZ-MAT - Mathematics Course
Lecture: 3-4 |
Credit: 3-4 |
Courses fulfilling the Mathematics requirement address the properties and relationships of numbers, formulas, and operations, as well as the real world application of these concepts to analyze data. Any mathematics course of the 100-level or above can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
HIS-131 - World Civilization I
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
This course is an economic, social, political and cultural survey of world civilization from earliest times to 1300, as these areas relate to contemporary civilization. Areas covered include: history of primitive, ancient, medieval religions, government and law; far Eastern and ancient European philosophy; primitive and ancient medieval fine arts.
SPC-112 - Public Speaking
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
This course examines both the theoretical and practical basis of speech communication, particularly public speaking. Emphasis is on speech preparation, organization, support, delivery and audience analysis.
ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-MSC - Math or Science Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Courses fulfilling the Math or Science requirement address quantitative and/or scientific reasoning skills. Any course of 100-level or above from mathematics or a science discipline can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
HIS-132 - World Civilization II
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
This course is an economic, social, political and cultural survey of development of world civilization from 1300 to the present. It is a continuation of HIS-131. However, students may enter during any semester.
POL-111 - American National Government
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A survey of the American federal system of government which includes a description and analysis of interest groups, political parties, public opinion, the presidency, the Congress, the court system and foreign policy making.
HIS-211 - Modern Asian History
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
This course introduces students to the four dominant societies of modern Asia:China, Japan and India, and to some extent Russia/Soviet Union. It will emphasize the role of Western Europe and the United States in shaping the early modern and modern history of South and East Asia. Course themes include the study of Asian religions; Western exploration, trade, and conquest; the nature and collapse of early modern empires (Mughal, Qing, and Tokugawa); the emergence of communism in Imperial Russia and its spread to China, Vietnam, and Korea; and the Asian theatre during World War I and II. Postwar themes include the collapse of Western imperialism; economic development with emphasis on modern China; and efforts across Asia to combat climate change.
ZZZ-LAB - Lab Science Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Courses fulfilling the Lab Science requirement incorporate hands-on experimentation and observation by students in the study of science. Any science course of 100-level or above including laboratory credit from the disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, physical science, science, or environmental science can fulfill this requirement. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
ZZZ-ELE - Elective Course
Lecture: 2-4 |
Lab: 0-1 |
Credit: 3-5 |
Any course of 100-level or higher from Arts and Sciences or Career Technical Education can be used to fulfill an Elective. Please see your Student Success Advocate to help choose the best option for you.
Randall Moffett - Assistant Professor - History
Email: rmoffett@scciowa.edu
BA, Brigham Young University
MA, University of York
PhD, University of Southampton