Course Catalog

Business Administration: Entrepreneurship Pathway - AAS

Entrepreneurship - AAS

The Entrepreneurship Pathway of the Business Administration AAS includes courses that will expose students to the foundations of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the engine that drives the US economy, and every business was started by an entrepreneur. Whether your goal is to start a restaurant, accounting firm, or the next big on line social media blockbuster, this program is for you. Learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur, how to finance your start­up, develop your business plan and increase your chances for success.

Management & Leadership Development certificate awarded after ADM-188, MGT-110, MGT-170, SOC-114.

Selling Strategies certificate awarded after MKT-110, BUS-180, MKT-140, SMM-108.

Small Business Startup certificate awarded after BUS-141, MKT-110, BUS-150, SMM-108.

*Certificates can be earned one time.

Summary Sheet

The summary sheet provides a program overview and other information.

Download the Summary Sheet.

Curriculum Sequence

Fall Semester I Course Title Credit
BUS-102 Introduction to Business 3
CSC-110 Introduction to Computers 3
ENG-131 Business English 3
MAT-712 Business Math 3
BUS-130 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3
Take WBL-155 as 1 credit
WBL-155 Job Shadowing: Job Shadowing: Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management 1-2

Spring Semester I Course Title Credit
BUS-124 Business Innovation 3
MGT-110 Small Business Management 3
BUS-180 Business Ethics 3
MKT-110 Principles of Marketing 3
HUM-287 Leadership Development Studies 3

Fall Semester II Course Title Credit
SOC-114 Conflict Resolution in the Workplace 3
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 3
ADM-188 Project and Event Management 3
SMM-108 Social Media Engagement 3
ACC-142 Financial Accounting 3
ECN-130 Principles of Microeconomics 3

Spring Semester II Course Title Credit
BUS-185 Business Law I 3
MGT-170 Human Resource Management 3
MKT-140 Principles of Selling 3
BUS-150 E-Commerce 3
BUS-141 Small Business Start-up 3

BUS-102 - Introduction to Business

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

An overview of contemporary business principles touching on all the major functional areas of business and trends that are shaping today's business environment. Understanding the fundamental pillars of the business environment -- globalization, technology and ethics -- is a crucial component in this course.

CSC-110 - Introduction to Computers

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course provides an introduction to computer concepts. The student will use the Windows operating system, presentation software, electronic spreadsheet software, database management software and word processing software. Microcomputer hardware and software as well as the processing concepts associated with each will be discussed. The course will also include information on file management, the Internet, virus protection and e-mail basics as applicable to the academic world as well as the business environment. Lab time outside of class is required to complete projects.

ENG-131 - Business English

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course teaches the fundamentals of written communication with focus on the elements of effectively written business documents. The emphasis is on the development of writing skills through a) exercises in grammar, mechanics, usage and spelling and b) application of these skills in a variety of written business documents. Prerequisite: Meet minimum placement test score requirements or a minimum grade of C- in ENG-013. No Waivers.

MAT-712 - Business Math

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course provides a study of math fundamentals and their application to business situations. Topics covered include banking procedures, payroll and taxes, weights and measurements, fractions and percentages, commissions, discounts, mark-ups/mark-downs, borrowing and interest, and insurance copays and deductibles. Microsoft Excel and traditional methods will be used to make common business decisions.

BUS-130 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Emphasizes organizational development and human resource concepts and their applications to small business operations. Leadership development, management styles and decision making strategies are stressed.

WBL-155 - Job Shadowing: Job Shadowing: Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management

Lecture: 0.5-1

Lab: 1-2

Credit: 1-2

Students in this course will explore the fields of Business, Finance, Marketing and Management while developing research skills, professionalism and building occupational knowledge. Students will visit workplaces in this employment sector to learn about specific jobs, professional requirements and develop a basic knowledge of an organization's structure and values.

BUS-124 - Business Innovation

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course is designed to help students get in touch with the innovative business mindset required for success in the 21st century. Students learn to be contributors, catalysts and thinkers within the innovation process. They develop skills as individuals and the team skills needed to collaborate, using available creative resources to leverage ideas and concepts throughout the innovation process.

MGT-110 - Small Business Management

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course introduces the student to various types of small business opportunities. Students will use concepts from the course to develop a business plan designed to guide the startup of a new business. The course also covers topics relevant to small business management, and regulations.

BUS-180 - Business Ethics

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course introduces philosophical ethical theory and its application to business decisions. It considers theories of economic justice, social responsibility of corporations, regulation, conflict of interest and obligations, ethics of advertising, product quality and safety, environmental responsibility, hiring practices and rights of employers and employees.

MKT-110 - Principles of Marketing

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This introductory class uses the managerial approach to study a market-directed system of marketing. The emphasis is on market strategy planning from the viewpoint of the marketing manager. The "4 Ps"-product, place, price and promotion-provide the structure underlying the organization of this course.

HUM-287 - Leadership Development Studies

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course is designed to provide emerging and existing leaders the opportunity to explore the concept of leadership and to develop and improve their leadership skills. The course integrates readings from the humanities, experiential exercises, films/videos and contemporary readings on leadership.

SOC-114 - Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace will study conflict resolution theories and applications in the workplace. The course will provide students with the opportunity to develop their own effective interpersonal conflict resolution skills as well as skills needed to help employees resolve their conflicts with one another and the skills needed to negotiate contracts. Students will also be introduced to theories and skills needed to apply culturally sensitive principles to conflict resolution.

SPC-101 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Explores communication in a variety of contexts including interpersonal relationships, the workplace, small groups and public speaking. Emphasis on the application and practice of communication theories and skills, particularly public speaking.

ADM-188 - Project and Event Management

Lecture: 2

Lab: 1

Credit: 3

Using a project-based approach, this course is designed for business and management/marketing majors, entrepreneurs, administrative staff, and those that are organized, resourceful and enjoy multitasking. Project management, business/event promotion and critical thinking skills will be developed. Technology will be used to coordinate essential activities including travel and event logistics, budgeting, video conferencing, scheduling and the creation of promotional materials.

SMM-108 - Social Media Engagement

Lecture: 2

Lab: 2

Credit: 3

This course explores the history of social networks and introduces students to social media for organizations. It provides students opportunities to implement the use of social media tools as part of a marketing strategy and work with social media analytic tools.

ACC-142 - Financial Accounting

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

An introduction to financial accounting theory and practice with emphasis on the use and interpretation of financial statements.

ECN-130 - Principles of Microeconomics

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

An introductory course in economics emphasizing micro-economic theory and contemporary problems. The major topics will include a description of the United States economy; demand and supply, price, output, and wage determination; domestic problems; international economics and the world economy.

BUS-185 - Business Law I

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

The legal environment of business. The study of contract requirements, personal property and bailments, as time permits.

MGT-170 - Human Resource Management

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course provides an overview of the principles involved in human resources management including strategy, legal environment, EEO, and job analysis and job design. Also covered are acquiring human resources, training and developing employees, compensation issues and labor relations.

MKT-140 - Principles of Selling

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

Fundamental terminology, principles and techniques of direct and indirect selling as well as promotional methods. Emphasis on human behavior and the motivation, rewards, duties and qualifications of a person in sales. This course is designed for an individual preparing for initial or improved employment.

BUS-150 - E-Commerce

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course will introduce the student to the basic elements of electronic commerce as a market where commercial activities are conducted. It will focus on business concepts and how to apply technology in order to be successful. Topics include market trends, globalizing a company, vendor solutions, storefronts, advertising, resource requirements and operational issues of launching a commercial presence in today’s global electronic marketplace.

BUS-141 - Small Business Start-up

Lecture: 3

Credit: 3

This course focuses on information, examples, forms and activities needed for a business startup and for development of a successful business operation. Topics include market research and assessment, naming a business, finding a location, determining asset needs and forecasting sales, identifying job tasks and determining human resource needs and writing a business plan. 

Trisha Hopper - Professor - Business

AA, Carl Sandburg College
BA, Western Illinois University
MBA, Quincy University

Renee Smith - Professor - Business

AA & AAS, Southeastern Community College
BA, Buena Vista University
MBA, Grand Canyon University