Course Catalog

Catalog of Programs

Catalog of Programs

Curious about what you can study at SCC?

Our programs are organized into pathways of similar areas of study. Filter results by Program, Time to Complete, or Campus Location to see what fits your interest and availability.

Some programs have courses available at more than one location, but to complete the program, you must attend the campus location used for the filter. See the program page for specific details.

Advanced Manufacturing Welding Processes CertificateAdvanced Welding Processes CertificateAutomotive Collision Repair and Refinish Technology - AASAutomotive Collision Repair and Refinish Technology - Auto Body DiplomaAutomotive Mechanics DiplomaAutomotive Technology - AASAutomotive Technology Management - AASBasic Welding Processes CertificateCarpentry - AASConstruction CertificateConstruction DiplomaConstruction Management - AASElectrical Maintenance CertificateElectrical Maintenance Technology - DiplomaHealthcare Technology Management - AASHealthcare Technology Management - DiplomaIndustrial Controls, Automation, and Robotics Technology - AASPrecision Machining and CNC Technology - AASWelding - AASWelding - DiplomaChild Development - Infant/Toddler CertificateChild Development - Preschool CertificateCriminal Justice Transfer Major - AAEarly Childhood Education - AASEarly Childhood Education - DiplomaEducator Licensure/Transfer - AASElementary Education Transfer Major - AAHistory Transfer Major - AAPsychology Transfer Major - AASecondary Education Transfer Major - AASocial Work Transfer Major - AASociology Transfer Major - AAAccounting - CertificateAccounting Assistant DiplomaAccounting Specialist AASBusiness Administration - AASBusiness Office Management - AASBusiness Transfer Major - AAEntrepreneurship - AASEntrepreneurship - Selling Strategies CertificateEntrepreneurship - Small Business Startup CertificateLegal Office Management - AASLegal Office Support CertificateManagement and Leadership Development CertificateOffice Assistant DiplomaOffice Support CertificateOffice Technology CertificateSport Management - AAS Multimedia Design and Marketing - AAS Animation for Television, Film, and New Media - AASCommunication Transfer Major - AAEnglish Transfer Major - AAFine Arts Transfer Major - AAMusic Transfer InterestAssociate Degree Nursing - AASAssociate Degree Nursing - AAS (Spring Start)Emergency Medical ResponderEmergency Medical Technician CertificateExercise Science and Kinesiology Transfer Major - AAExercise Science and Kinesiology Transfer Major - ASHealthcare Assistant - CertificateMedical Assistant - DiplomaMedical Billing CertificateNurse Aide - CertificateParamedic - AASParamedic CertificatePatient Access Associate CertificatePhlebotomy CertificatePractical Nursing - DiplomaPractical Nursing - Diploma (Spring Start)Provider Emphasis - DiplomaRadiologic Technology - AASRespiratory Care - AASAgribusiness- AASAgriculture AASAgriculture CertificateAgriculture DiplomaAnimal Science AASBiology Transfer Major - ASChemistry Transfer Major - ASComputer Aided Design Technology - AASComputer Aided Design Technology: Career Pathway - AASComputer Aided Design Technology: Transfer Pathway - AASComputer Science Transfer Major - ASEngineering Transfer Major - ASIT Technician DiplomaIT Technician DiplomaInformation Technology Management - AASMath Transfer Major - ASNetwork Admin and Cyber Security - AASPhysics Transfer Major - AS