Paramedic- AAS
Paramedic - AAS
West Burlington Campus
Help others help themselves with this rewarding career.
There are three program tracks. This page is for the Paramedic AAS. If you are interested
in another EMS program, please click on the appropriate link below:
EMT Certificate
Paramedic Certificate
The Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic (EMT-P) curriculum is designed to prepare the student for the National Registry exam for certification as a Paramedic. Selected general courses are related to the field of Emergency Medical Services and will provide the student with a broad base upon which to make reasoned decisions when giving emergency care.
The EMT classes are offered in both night and day part-time format and the paramedic is offered as a full-time day format.
Students enrolling in the Paramedic program must have a high school diploma or equivalent, current EMT certification and ALEKS math score of at least 14.
Paramedic Certificate gainful employment information
West Burlington and Keokuk campus with select courses available online.
The following courses must be taken at the West Burlington location: EMS-201, EMS-663, EMS-667, EMS-665. All other courses can be taken at the West Burlington campus, Keokuk campus or online.
*Health professions student outcomes are available on the Consumer Information page. A downloadable PDF is available for EMS student outcomes
Admission standards apply to this program. Students must have a current CPR Certification. All other eligibility requirements must be met.
Emergency Medical Technician Certificate awarded after completion of EMS-201, which is offered in both fall and spring semesters.
Successful completion of EMT State Certification required prior to admission to the Paramedic Program.
Entry into EMS-663 requires a high school diploma or equivalent and EMT certificate.
Paramedic Certificate awarded after completion of EMS-665.
Accreditation Information
The Southeastern Community College Paramedic program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
(727) 210-2350
To contact CoAEMSP:
(214) 703-8445
Summary Sheet
The summary sheet provides a program overview and other information.
Curriculum Sequence
Fall Semester I | Course Title | Credit |
BIO-163 | Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology | 4 |
CSC-110 | Introduction to Computers | 3 |
HSC-114 | Medical Terminology | 3 |
MAT-702 | Introduction to Math Applications | 3 |
PSY-111 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Spring Semester I | Course Title | Credit |
EMS-201 | Emergency Medical Technician | 7 |
ENG-105 | Composition I | 3 |
HUM-114 | Multicultural Perspectives | 3 |
PHI-105 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
Fall Semester II | Course Title | Credit |
EMS-663 | Paramedic I | 16.5 |
Spring Semester II | Course Title | Credit |
EMS-667 | Paramedic II | 17 |
Summer Semester | Course Title | Credit |
EMS-665 | Paramedic III | 7 |
BIO-163 - Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Lecture: 3 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 4 |
This introductory course is designed for the student needing a one-semester combined anatomy and physiology course with laboratory. All systems will be covered with greater emphasis on the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune and urinary systems. This course also provides background for the more advanced courses, BIO-168 and BIO-173.
CSC-110 - Introduction to Computers
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
This course provides an introduction to computer concepts. The student will use the Windows operating system, presentation software, electronic spreadsheet software, database management software and word processing software. Microcomputer hardware and software as well as the processing concepts associated with each will be discussed. The course will also include information on file management, the Internet, virus protection and e-mail basics as applicable to the academic world as well as the business environment. Lab time outside of class is required to complete projects.
HSC-114 - Medical Terminology
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 3 |
This course is designed to study the basic language related to medical science with emphasis on word analysis, construction, definitions, pronunciations, spelling and standard abbreviations.
MAT-702 - Introduction to Math Applications
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 1 |
Credit: 3 |
This course is offered to students who can profit from an applied course in mathematics and will prepare students who need to develop skills for MAT-704. It is designed as an introductory level algebra course recommended for students with one year of high school algebra. Emphasis is on the building of basic algebra skills and the application of these mathematical techniques. The course studies the relationship of geometry and algebra as they apply to various fields. This course will also cover whole numbers/decimals, integers, fractions/percents, direct measurement, basic geometric concepts/relationships, linear equations and right-triangle trigonometry. Prerequisite: MAT-052 or meet minimum placement testing requirements.
PSY-111 - Introduction to Psychology
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A basic course in the understanding of behavior, designed to give the student a scientific background in the fundamental problems and techniques covered in the field of psychology.
EMS-201 - Emergency Medical Technician
Lecture: 5 |
Lab: 1 |
On Job Training: 1 |
Credit: 7 |
This course is designed to instruct a student to the level of emergency medical technician who serves as a vital link in the chain of the health care team. Southeastern Community College's training program follows the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Department of Transportation (DOT) EMT curriculum. This course includes all skills necessary for the individual to provide emergency medical care at a basic life support level with an ambulance service or other specialized service. Southeastern Community College is approved by the Iowa State Department of Public Health (Bureau of EMS). Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be eligible to take the National Registry's practical and written exam for EMT certification. Students must be 17 years old to enroll. Prerequisite: Current basic life support certification (health care providers module).
ENG-105 - Composition I
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A study of the principles of writing. Emphasis on rhetoric, mechanics and development of expository patterns: narration, description illustration, comparison/contrast, classification, process and cause/effect. Required for AA and AS Degrees. Prerequisite: Meet minimum test score requirements.
HUM-114 - Multicultural Perspectives
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
Selected readings from the critical perspectives of race, class and gender will provide the theoretical framework for class discussions. At the same time, films and works of literature from different cultural points of view will help students reach a new understanding of their own and other cultures and will open themselves up for a multicultural understanding of society.
PHI-105 - Introduction to Ethics
Lecture: 3 |
Credit: 3 |
A survey of the major ethical emphases from ancient to modern times with pertinent reading in the works of representative philosophers.
EMS-663 - Paramedic I
Lecture: 12 |
Lab: 4 |
Clinical: 0.5 |
Credit: 16.5 |
This course prepares the student in the knowledge and skills needed in the pre-hospital environment. National Standard Paramedic Curriculum topics covered include: Well-being of the EMT, Illness and Injury Prevention, Ethics, EMS System, Roles and Responsibilities, Medical Legal Issues, Pathophysiology, Therapeutic Communications, Life-span Development, Airway Management and Ventilation, Patient Assessment, Communications, Documentation, Medication Administration, Pharmacology and Cardiology. Lab skills addressed include patient assessment, development of airway management skills, IV fluid management skills, communication skill development and cardiac monitoring skills. Prerequisite: Current Iowa EMT Certificate.
EMS-667 - Paramedic II
Lecture: 10 |
Lab: 3 |
Clinical: 4 |
Credit: 17 |
This course prepares the student in the knowledge and skills needed in the pre-hospital environment. National Standard Paramedic curriculum topics covered include: Medication Administration and Medical and Trauma Emergencies of various body systems. This course has a hospital clinical internship. This internship provides the opportunity to apply, in the clinical setting, the didactic knowledge and skills developed in the classroom and lab. It serves to assist the student to become an employable EMS provider. Clinical skills addressed include trauma management, patient assessment and evaluation; airway management skills, IV fluid management skills, communication skill development and cardiac monitoring skills. Prerequisite: EMS-663.
EMS-665 - Paramedic III
Lecture: 2 |
Lab: 1 |
On Job Training: 4 |
Credit: 7 |
This course prepares the student in the knowledge and skills needed in the pre-hospital environment. National Standard Paramedic Curriculum topics covered include: Review of previous course material, Pediatrics, Geriatric, Psychiatric Disorders and Patients with Special Challenges. This course also includes hospital clinical internship. This internship provides the opportunity to apply, in the clinical setting, the didactic knowledge and skills developed in the classroom and lab. It serves to assist the student to become an employable EMS provider. Clinical skills addressed include pediatric assessment and management, gynecological management, geriatric management, trauma management, patient assessment, airway management skills, IV fluid management skills, communication skill development and cardiac monitoring skills. Prerequisite: EMS-663.
James Steffen - Assistant Professor - Emergency Medical Services
AAS, Southeastern Community College
BA, Bellevue University
EMT-P, Paramedic